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Thursday, 26 July 2018


For the success of a relationship, it is necessary to do some few important things. Very often these important things are skipped. You can tell each other "I love you" all the time. In the end, the words "I love you" are supposed to show how much your second half is significant and desirable.

But in reality, is this enough?

If your relationship lasts more than three months, you probably already know that the magic of these words is losing value every day.

We often say "I love you" and easily lose the true meaning of these words. But do not worry, there are many ways to say "I love you" without words.


 One of the best way and sure way to confess is to surprise your loved ones now and then. Suppose you are going to go for shopping and look after something for your loved ones? If ideas do not occur, you can take proper note of the romantic ideas from this article of mine.

Romantic gestures:

To smell the beloved's hair after bath, gently cuddle, take the hand, look intently into the eyes and much more, you can, we assure you.

Disinterested love:

Selfless love, selflessness, not expecting reward, do you believe in such love? Have you ever sacrificed your own happiness simply to bring a smile to your loved one's face? When you take into account the needs of your loved one above your personal needs.

Your significant dates and important memories:

 Do you remember the day you asked her to meet? And other special dates? Share your happiness with them, show that you really did not forget these dates - that's the main thing in your life.

Appearance of affection: 

Let the whole world know how much you love them. Show how proud you are that you are together. Hold hands during a walk, press hard during the movie,play with each other, hug, when the two of you are together.

Listen carefully:

We talk a lot in our relationship, but sometimes we need to be able to listen and listen. Do not ignore what your loved ones are asking. Respect their opinion and listen to them carefully be happy when she comes to you asking you for something or anything because you wont feel happy when another person takes care of her needs instead of you.

Be supportive:

Love is not just love and sex. Caring for your loved one is another sign of how you love. Help in a difficult moment and give advice - this is what the other half often needs, extend a helping hand, especially when they ask you about it.

Do it together:

 Cleaning the house, repairing the room, cooking, doing the laundry and setting up and cleaning the garden. It will make you closer and say that you love him.

Have fun:

When you are at home, chase each other around the house, call each other silly names, sometimes touch each other and play hide and seek games.

This ubasage alias ukohs blog we want everyone to know and experience true love. It is out there for everyone and until it knocks on your door we are here to remind you that you deserve the best love!

You can help us spread this love by sharing this with those around you and letting us know what you think in the comments below thank you!

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