The first library method In the world started orally in Babylon, through oral communication people in Babylon were able to pass information and teach people.... That is to say that first the library in the world started in Babylon.
After some years later they started using stones for writing and publishing of new, the first news paper in the world was a carved templates known as the code of amurabi also known as the stele of amurabi. Some year later they Egyptians started making use of a natural endowment known as papyrus it was used for writing but its disadvantages is that doesn't last long.
Aristotle was the mentor of Alexander the great and also the first man to own a library in Greece.... After some years aristole died and Alexander the great took over the library and upgraded it, their named a man called zerodotus who worked in Alexanders library...sir Alexander the great library was the maker of scholars, the work of the libaria s in Alexanders library was to catalog and classify books, this work of a libarian was designed by a man named calimacus... Years later during the reign of Julius Caesar of Rome the shores of the libary was destroyed by him thereby destroying part of the libary where as christains were the ones that destroyed the rest. Later Alexander the great found a city and named that city by his name and produced another library named pegamu (Phoneticians were the ones that distributed papyrus around Greece from Egypt) that means Greece also uses papyrus as of then for writing also. The people in the pegamus library were trying to enties the staffs working at Alexander the greats libary because the libary at Greece distributes writing materials to the people in pegamu (papyrus). So the library at Greece stopped distributing papyrus to them thereby forcing them to make their own method which they named after their libary pegamina which gotten from animals skins(batchment animal skins). They Greece had two types of library the royal library and the temple libary and all are been portrayed under their gods,Greece is one of countries around that loved independence very much but they have four unifying factors about them and they are-:
1. Language they the same language.
2. They worship the same gods and they are Apollo,Zeus and athena.
3. Racial factor, they belong to the same race from their great mother HELEN.
4. The Olympic games was played in honour of their gods it was been played every four years.
The Romans were mainly warriors and architects they were not interested in learning. They way they Greece where growing continuously in knowledge made they Romans jealous and they forged a war against Greece and conquered Greece and took them as slaves and they taught their masters how to read and write. They Romans had two types of library the private and the public library,that is the Romans were first country to start a private and public library system. The private libary is owned by private owners and the wealthiness of people were been measured by the use of libaries and the public libary is for public use. Julius Caesar was the first man that authorized the first building of a libary in Rome but he was not alive to fufill that dream because he was assassinated, then polio was now the first man to build a library in Rome and then emperor Augustus built another libary in Rome and named it after his sister octevius. Another third libary was built by emperor Trojan the libary was in his name because of his greatness and achievements. Due to the connection between they Romans and the Greeks the two parties cultures emerged together and they shared the same culture which was know as GrecoRoman culture
At this age of libaries their were so many wars fought and all they libaries was destroyed.
at this age of libaries they world came together again to bring back learning again and they went ahead to produce not libaries this time around but monasteries. A man named cassidorus aided in the building of libaries and his was later called they father of monastim before saint Benedict continued and also another man named charliemagne also aided in the promotion of monasteries he was also the man that brought a man from Europe named alkyl who taught them a new handwriting, before they do write in capital letters but alkyl now taught them how to write using capital and small letters together and also taught them paragraphing. A system of writing using capital and small letters and also paragraphing is Caroline miniscu.
1. You don't bring naked lights Into the libaries.
2. Books were never borrowed to ordinary people apart from monks, during the age of monastism monks were been trained.
3. The books in the libary were been borrowed with curses been layed upon them.
4. They libary were been locked with three keys which were been held by three people only working in the libary the libarian,bursar and the register.
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