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Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Early Signs That You Should Break Up With Him Immediately


Your “Seeking” Styles Are Out of Sync If you’re an explorer at heart — nothing makes you happier than new places and experiences — and he’s content watching Seinfeld reruns on the couch with his best friends from preschool, consider that a red flag. If you’re all about the new and he’s addicted to the old, you’ll be in an endless tug-of-war. . He Never Leaves Your Side The guy who wants to spend all his time with you may seem romantic, but he’s also the guy who’ll try to stop you from doing anything that doesn’t involve him. If he presses you to ditch hobbies, passions, and friends, it’s time to ditch him. Or if he always monitors you all day all Night not given you time of your own … you have to leave him . You Wish He Were a Little More Motivated If you find yourself annoyed at his lazy tendencies early on, be wary — because that’s one trait of his that won’t magically change when he gets a better job or finally joins that gym. And with time, you’ll only get more irked. Choose a guy who has a similar level of drive as you. There’s nothing sexy about being your boyfriend’s life coach. . He Only Talks the Talk He tells you that he’s never felt this way about anyone and he’d do anything for you. But he was MIA when you could have used his help moving and nowhere to be found when you had a monster cold and needed soup. If he doesn’t follow through with actions, he’s either selfish or a liar. Neither makes him sound like The One, does it? . Your Chemistry Is...Okay Sex may get better as the relationship moves forward, but chemistry often doesn’t. “But he’s such a nice guy, and he has a stable career, and my friends love him....” I get it. Now go find someone with those traits who also turns you on. . Being Needy, Clingy, And Insecure. When one person “clings” to another person “psychologically”, the person who is being “clinged to” RESENTS and REJECTS the needy, clingy emotional parasite… This is WUSS behavior at its worst. If a guy is on the phone with a girl he just met, and she says “Hey, I have to go”, he might say “Aw, well… um …OK. Um, will you call me when you get home? ” And an even worse example is a guy who is so emotionally insecure that he actually ASKS a woman to tell him that he’s nice, fun, interesting, etc. “Do you think I’m interesting? ” “Do you think we could ever have a relationship? ” “Am I your type? ” Women HATE this stuff. It makes them shiver with the heebie-jeebies. It makes them want to RUN AWAY.

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