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Sunday, 27 November 2016

How to get a girl in one school week.

Get a Girl in One School Week Here are a couple of questions for you: Are you in some type of school? Do you have a crush on a girl? Do you want to date her? Then this could be the right article for you! Remember that being in a relationship takes time and energy to get used to, so please think carefully about your actions and words. Enjoy, and good luck! Day One : Get yourself out there. For the good stuff, of course, like a really good grade. Don't brag though, no girl likes a bragger. Ask her if she'd like to work on a project together. Get to know her friends. If this girl's friends like you, they might try to set you and her up. Pay attention to her friends too, if they start pushing your crush towards you and giggling when you walk by, she probably likes you! Try some small talk. Girls love being asked about themselves and will start a conversation. Plus asking your crush about herself will help you get to know her. Use flattery. -never comment on things that would make her feel uncomfortable. Become friends, but not too good friends because then she might not think of you romantically. Day Two : Before you go to school, make sure to pay attention to your looks and how clean you are. Try some more of what you did on Monday. Be really sweet in front of her. Not just to her, but to others too. You want your crush to think that you're a sweet and kind person. Flirt! Keep giving her complements. Ruffle her hair. Don't go overboard or she might back off. Stare into her eyes and say: "Your eyes are so (comment)!" Tell some funny jokes. And make sure to laugh at hers, even if their bad. If you're not sure what to joke about with, try joking about how much your English teacher smiles. Or how much homework your Math teacher gives out. Touch her, if you have a chance. If you want to learn more about touching a girl, read about here: Touch a Girl. Day Three : Practice flirting in the mirror at home. Write a little note for her If you feel ready, give your crush a hug. Invite her to go for ice cream. Sit with your crush in class. Introduce her to some of your friends, just make sure they know that you like her. Sit with her at lunch. Day Four : Meet up with your crush as much as possible. Give her frequent hugs! Smile at her throughtout the day. Buy her a simple gift. Talk about other people together Impress her. Day Five : Hug some more. Ask her if she'd like to work on a project together. Hold hands while walking down the hallway Kiss her Enjoy your relationship! If you are rejected, remember, there are other fish in the sea.

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